Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Aglaonemas - Exotics from S.E. Queensland

Bryan and Janice Markwell from Markwell's Nursery, established growers/wholesalers of indoor foliage in Eumundi, for many years, have recently started importing exotic baby(tissue culture) Aglaonema hybrids from Asia.

There are many varieties,ranging in colour from deep reds to speckled green whites. Most are still in their infant stages, but we have 2 varieties we can offer for sale in limited amounts to the discerning collector. They are from Thailand and are about 18 months old and approximately 35cms tall. We know many people wish to acquire these plants, normally unavailable on the Australian market.

If you are one of those people, please contact Bryan on 0427468188, or Janice on 0402100696.